Kendrick Lamar’s GNX Album Cover
He’s done it again with another telltale record except this time, he was on the big stage for it. This makes me very proud. He’s one of my top 3 MC’s of all time so this was a beautiful moment to witness.
Now I want to draw your attention to something and it’s not to the performance or the nature of the music itself…
It’s the lead up to all of this.
Around the same time last year, we had a major figure in his respective field shed some light to the darkness that surrounds the entertainment industry as a whole.
Katt Williams began the year unloading some debilitating shots at particular comedians and no telling this probably inspired KDot to come out of the shadows with an album to follow suit in the same year. Or, maybe he was already putting the album together but needed a track that would spark a new wave of enthusiasm in the music industry, specifically. Either way, both legendary talents most importantly opened the door of unadulterated truth in an ecosystem where fantasies are what’s usually sold to the community.
Art imitates life and we often diminish the value of art in society because we’re so fixated on realities we cannot control.
Going forward, we should pay attention to what certain entertainers are saying because they’re doing more than trying to make you laugh or get you hyped up about something, they’re educating you.
Entertainment has always been a method of education that we’ve long forgotten. This is because entertainment has a powerful influence, and that influence stretches beyond what politics generally does to reach people. Entertainment shows you that many of us take life way too seriously. I’m not saying there aren’t a few things that we need to seriously consider, but most things in life could be seen from a better perspective if you took a minute to listen to a compelling album or just had a sense of humor.
As a human collective, we’re far from these types of observations and we’re dying faster because of it.
When I think of my life, particularly the trauma part of it, I laugh more about it now than I ever have. Why? Because I should and it’s healthy. It’s like we enjoy being in a woeful state of living.
Laugh at your misery. Make a joyful noise to your pain. Or, just write your concerns out and see if you’ll need a therapist afterwards.
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